A Carbon Copy

A Carbon Copy

Dear Daddy

As you say I am a chatterbox who constantly eats your brain with my sense and no sense making questions, yet that day I was unable to say thanks to you for supporting me.

Recently, when a distant relative of ours blatantly said to mum that my outspoken nature like you will definitely pose a hindrance to my marriage, at that time what you had said will always be in my mind.

‘Whenever you will voice out your opinions especially when they are opposite to the societal norms you will be judged and questioned by everyone. It will be on you to tackle them and moving ahead towards your goal.’

Daddy, I want to tell you that it’s your trust and support that has acted as fuel to the fire in me for breaking the norms of patriarchy. You are the most dear man in my life and I love you for everything that you have done for our family.

Besides this, I have infinite respect in my heart and mind for you for teaching me what it means to be a true feminist not through your words but by your actions like the way you help me and mum in household chores. For showing us that the opposite of patriarchy is not matriarchy, but it is equality at all fronts be it at home or work for both men and women. And how you brought up me and bro as children and not as a boy and a girl. For teaching me to prepare perfectly round wheat bread to still helping me out with tenses.

I want you to know that the best compliment I have ever received in my life is that I am a carbon copy of yours.

With love

Yours Sony


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