Broken Soul

Gitika Verma posted under PenMuse-52 Poetry on 2023-05-20

                  Beautiful, happy and carefree Was her life bursting with colors vibrant She looked at the world with her big brown twinkling eyes And trusted anyone blindly. Blindly she followed her neighbor A man who then played on her innocence Luring the child into a dark desolate place The beast in him unleashed terror. Terror in her eyes didn’t melt him Neither did those heart wrenching cries of help Not only her clothes, he ripped apart her soul too She bled, her condition turned grim. Grim looked her future, and gloomful Broken as she lay in the hospital Humanity too lay in shambles, having scarred A soul so pure and beautiful.     Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!