Can’t stop thinking about you!

Amrita Lahiri posted under PenMuse-15 Poetry on 2020-01-22

It's easy to be merrily lost in these roads..
Layered with emotions..
Complicated and infused with thoughts..
I am suspended in disbelief..
To experience you in every breath I take..
My mind revolves around you
Like a ring of intersecting circles
The truth and fallacy.. .
Of love and it's futility..
Your absence had left me..
Perennially gloomy..
A few promises were broken..
A few words suffered betrayal..
A few paths were never taken..
Do you fill the dark undertones of despair and anguish?
Do me a favor for the last time
Please erase the memories that hover around..
My vision has blurred with time..
I want to transcend..
Beyond the state of equilibrium..

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