Colour me Yellow!

Sheetal Ashpalia posted under PenMuse-08 Poetry on 2019-06-10

I steal a shy glance at the platter in gold, This heavenly sight with a fragrance subtle yet bold, Family and friends alike circle around me, A ritual as ancient as time in front of me unfolds. Colour me yellow, a glow for all to see, A moment alone I am not allowed to be, When oil, water and turmeric combine into a paste, Together they will transform into a beautiful me. Many hands touch my body and my slim waist, Imagining my lover’s caress, I turn away red faced, The yellow colours my body in a golden hue, Milk set aside to bathe me in leisure, not haste. And I surface from the heavenly bath, shining like dew, My body feels like honey, oh so soft and new, The heart inside beating at a hundred miles, Awaiting my sweet love, forever true!

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