Coloured Emotions

Pooja Kabra posted under PenMuse-38 Poetry on 2022-02-20

I despised you from the core of my heart, You took away my rank, satiated your hunger by feeding on my marks, I always wished to secure number one, But with you on my side, this battle was never won. But time changes everything, it is often said, Years slipped by and my thoughts too got moulded, You became my best friend in moments of despair, With you, I started having a secret affair. The canvas which had stayed empty for years, My emotions performed Salsa on it, allaying my fears, Brush and the colours became my best companion, Where I lost myself in the ocean of imagination. Dear painting, you became my Philia, my comrade, Whenever darkness eclipsed,  you came to my aid, Night threw its black cloak, bathing itself in vibrant sunshine, When painting brushes and vibrant hues intertwined. I love, I dance, I fly like a butterfly, With you ,  My happiness multiplies.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!