From a Doctor's Phial

Supriya Bansal posted under PenMuse-30 Poetry on 2021-05-20

Hushing howls of a slain city, Gagged by the ventilator's beep. I mumble a pathetic plea. Dangling amidst worlds till I sleep. Variants. Vaccine. Chaos. Cries. Gagged by the ventilator's beep. The clever loom lattice of lies, The sinews sag—nail the coffin. Variants. Vaccine. Chaos. Cries. The last gasps—nest under my skin, Drinking dregs of my torpid soul, The sinews sag—nail the coffin. My words die; piecemeal, never whole. Caged in a quag of fret 'n fear, Drinking dregs of my torpid soul. I toil, unsure—what's left to bear? Dreams dwindle, spent shadows pity. Caged in a quag of fret 'n fear, I mumble a pathetic plea. Author's note- A page from a doctor's diary as she grapples with the doom around her in the current scenario.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!