

I wake up every day
To the sound of music,
Flowing from the vast greens,
Reminding Life’s fullness, 
Glowing bright through its sheens.

I wake up every day
To ambience of love
And care, sincere and pure,
That my abode boasts of,
Soothing my blues with cure.

I wake up every day 
To a blissful blessing,
Cherishing my tot’s smile. 
His world in me, he sees,
All gaiety; no guile.

I wake up every day
To thank the Almighty
For happiness galore,
That propels me forward
To achieve, all the more.

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Lavanya P Kesan
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2 thoughts on “Gratitude

    1. It’s so important to be grateful to feel content and comfortable in our life. And your poem describes a way of doing just that. It is filled with all the dewy freshness of early morning. Well crafted.

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