Heart-Mind Junction

Vishwanathan Iyer posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-23 on 2020-10-24

“Are you sure, you want to participate for this event?” asked the Doctor looking at the X- Ray. “Yes, very much doctor. I have been preparing for this event for over a year now” replied Nishad in an absolutely low tone. “But you seem to have got a hairline fracture near your shins, which might take a minimum of 3 weeks to recover and the event is just 6 weeks from today” said the doctor in a grim tone. “I think it is too risky for me to give you this permission” “Please doctor, please, please” Nishad literally begged to the doctor and was in tears.  **** Nishad was a long distance runner. He was an engineer in a multinational company and enjoyed running full marathons once in a year. After having completed 5 full marathons, he was chilled and venturing out various fields to find a new kick in his otherwise mundane life. “Why don’t you try a tri, Nishad?” said Tushar. Nishad jumped out of his bed – “Can you come back” he yelled in an exciting tone. “Yeah, why don’t you try for a triathlon” reconfirmed Tushar in confidence.” “I’m excited as well as nervous, Tushar and surely I will give my best. You know, running is strong and I practice cycling too but my swimming is very poor”. “Nishad, Rome was not built in a day. Today when you are so confident about your running, remember 6 years ago, when we went for a run – You could barely run a 100 metre with me. And now see how much you have improved” chucked Tushar. “So, if you are ready in your mind, you will find solutions for all your problems as well”.  Nishad felt better and asked Tushar “Can you brief me about the distances?” Tushar said, “Dekh bhai, I have done my work of giving you the target, now what is to done, how it is to be done needs to be looked upon by you. I’m contented with running only. You are searching for something new always.” “Accha, Tushar, atleast help me find the next triathlon which I can participate?” requested Nishad.  Both friends logged onto Google to find out various tri-events scheduled during the next year and zeroed on into an event scheduled conducted by ‘Ironman’.  This was the first Triathlon event to be conducted in India and expected to be a great hit.  “This is it, This is it” exclaimed Nishad and started doing a jig.  **** Nishad, a consistent athlete, put his heart and sacrificed everything else. He practiced rigorously for 12 months now participating in events of lesser distances as preparatory races for the big day. Unfortunately, yesterday his bicycle skid badly. While doctor was mentioning his view point, Nishad’s mind zoomed through the efforts of last year and popped up an unwanted query “Would you still participate or will you withdraw?”… The Heart answered “Withdraw, No way”.  At the clinic, Nishad was lost in the Mind and Heart Junction!!!


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