I Will Make My Mother Proud

Amrita Mallik posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-28 on 2021-03-03

“Mamma! Are you alright?” My mother would lovingly enquire innumerable times in a day. “O Mamma! Let me sleep. I am in deep slumber. Can’t you see?” I got so irritated sometimes. Whenever I slipped into my reveries she would wake me up. Didn’t she get tired talking to me endlessly? “Mamma, soon you will be stepping into the big world outside. You have to be a strong girl and fulfil your dreams.” And, she would continue. “Look! How I have begun to read you stories from now onwards. You hear me, I know.”  She had started it again. Nevertheless, my mother’s words left a deep impact on me. I, too, had started to assume how I would slay the world. I would have to leave this comfort zone and sweat it out. There would be storms and rains, as my mom always pinpointed, but I should never be afraid. Neither would she be with me physically. So, I should learn to be independent and vociferous. “Do you know, you are an entire universe?” My mother came with yet another startling remark. “That means, I can do magic and do whatever I feel like!” “Of course, dear!” How could she read my mind! “However, you have to be careful that you don’t deliberately hurt someone. Cage your rage and think thousand times before you act.” She even warned me. “Mom! Are you there?” She had fallen asleep. Thank God, I could think of other things now. Sometimes my mother sang in her dulcet voice. And, I danced with my tiny feet. She giggled as I felt proud to impress her with my dancing steps. I could sing also but not like my mother. I knew I had to practice more. The excitement of going out of my cosy and snug shell was giving me and my mother sleepless nights. The butterflies just didn’t stop flitting in my little tummy. “O, baby, take some rest and save your energy for later. Let me sleep too.” She lovingly chastised me. *** One sunny day I was swimming elatedly when my mother’s scream interrupted my relaxation. My teeny brain couldn’t fathom the exact conversation going on but I could surmise my mother was terribly upset. “You need to visit the doctor. We have made a full-proof plan.” “But, I won’t go!” She vehemently retorted. “Who will hear you, you filthy and worthless woman?” “How dare you? Wait, let me come out, and I will punish each one of you.” But, my feeble voice reached no ear. *** “O, mummy, what’s happening?” I felt safe in the vermillion sac. But I was proved wrong. Someone was tugging at my throat. I was gasping in excruciating pain. “Mumma… o-u-r  w-i-s-h-e-s…” I yelled and cried out for help. The umbilical cord got mercilessly cut. My life was precipitously yanked. I lay wheezing. And, I couldn’t hear my mother any longer. My terror filled innocent eyes finally closed.


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