My Babu’s World

Indrani Chatterjee posted under Guest Posts Poetry on 2020-08-24

Surreptitiously you crept to my door Timid and pavid within………  Seeking for my hands and nothing more,  I am the mammoth pillar you entwine to creep To familiarise with the azure belt and the verdant carpet beneath.  You confide in me to discover the uncouth estates That intimidates you with dubiety………..  In your figgy russet eyes the entire world pervades,  You burrow deep in my lap for prolong solace And to refrain from this enigmatic world that may ridicule on your face.  You have the retention to bemuse the hearts with your profuse melodious strains Infusing the freshness of morning glory……………  Together we shall traverse the musical terrain,  So what, if I am the declining radiance of sinking sun?   You shall emit fragrance being the dawn’s newly bloomed exposition I shall steal all worries, that torments your dreams The soft thread of my selvage, shall fence your reflective sky...........  Propagating all gaiety in your life’s stream,  The occurrence of your birthday, physically takes you a year ahead But l know your sterling soul shall never learn to trade.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!