My Love

My Love

My Love                                     
Is someone to        
Whom my being I owe        
Her blood in my veins runs and flows            
I know  

I know            
Your essence is                
Unconditional love    
Deep and fathomless as the seas

A nurturer     
A bright rainbow in which      
All hopes and promises I see              

You have showered       
Forgiveness, compassion     
Blessed me always with your prayers       
I pray            

I pray    
The Almighty      
Chooses in every life          
Only you my mother to be
My love

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4 thoughts on “My Love

  1. Sweet sounding song with powerful imagery. However the syllable count is off in the first stanza- 3r line should be 6 syllables but has a count of five. ‘Whom my being i owe.’

  2. The poem is a melodious song full of nostalgia. Very evocative. However the syllable count if off in the third line of a stanza where it says- whom my being i owe, these words are five syllables, the third line must have 6 syllables. In conclusion a very charming read.

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