
Swati Garg posted under PenMuse-37 Poetry on 2022-01-18

Sulking turned my poise, inside honked with noise,  Sabotaged my feel, this treachery robbed all me, Salvation I seeked , before woe solely destroys, Silence or peaceful slumber indeed is my plea,  Unbridled emotions thump my heart, Unnerving thoughts threaten my peace of mind, Umpteen memories of yore aspire to restart Unleashing a storm in my dreams, turning them blind,  Noble he seemed, won my love, making me his bait, Nurtured the girl in me with caressing roses, Nastily, ruined our liaison being an arsonist, Never could I sniff he was scorching me with burnt ashes,  Oblivious I was, my best friend was a crook, Obsessed with her my fella too was a swindler, Onerous it's to tread when besties leave you shook, O people shun the thirty pieces of silver.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!