Plus Minus: Pros and Cons of Life

Moumita Dutta posted under Book Review on 2021-02-03

Life indeed is full of pluses and minuses; advantages and disadvantages. And these pros and cons help us to create memories; memories for us to cherish.  The story is mainly about Tithi, her friends, and how their lives evolved over the years. This book has well presented that aspect and did complete justice to the title. I was hooked to the story from the start ‘cause of the familiar premise. The story was narrated in a lucid language, with relatable dialogues and familiar events. Each character justified their presence and stood up to their usual character trait.  Each episode was thoughtfully composed and the relatable happenings brought back flashes of memories, which I believe, every reader will experience once they read “Plus Minus.” The author has beautifully portrayed the bond of true friendship between Tithi and Iksha. I’m sure several readers will connect with the space they shared.  Every incident and each decision has its pros and cons. Neha Sharma, the author, has covered various moments of a human life to explain and present the plus-minus theory. The emotions were well handled within the story. One point that made me wonder of the author’s intention- the lengthy excerpts of the familiar songs. I guess four lines could’ve served their purpose, but then again, the author must have had some reason for putting them that way. Didn’t bother my reading though. The poem on ‘Time’ was excellent and I loved it.  How often we wonder - why me? What’s the plus in an unfavorable situation? Seldom do we find true friends to hear us out; to understand and empathize. The era of human connection vs the digital connection will make the readers realize certain important bits of life that often get missed. I felt nostalgic, and was quite contented with the intention and the message.  Ratna’s chapter- the author has highlighted a very important social issue which, unfortunately, prevails in the modern society. But the author wisely presented the character of Nalin to bring a balance and to show how and why the world is still a happy place. Lastly, the epilogue was well concluded with some wise words.  I recommend everyone to give this book a read. The story will surely stir those long forgotten memories and will leave you inspired with a positive message. My best wishes for the author Neha Sharma and her book, ‘Plus Minus.’  Buy the book here: