The Car Accident

Pooja Gupta posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-05 on 2019-01-11

“OMG! What did I do?" wondered Neeti.  She had just hit someone’s car standing behind.  Outside the grocery shop, she had done what she was most afraid of; her car had badly hit an Innova.  She had left a major dent on its bonnet.

“Mam, can I help you,” her chain of thoughts was interrupted by a heavy voice. For few seconds, she stood standstill yet bewildered. A tall 6 feet handsome lad was standing right in front of her. “Oh yes, is this your car? I am so sorry. Please take my mobile number and I will pay whatever it shall cost you to repair the damage.” The car owner took her number and exchanged the smile. “Sure,” he replied and left.

It had been two days since the incident and Neeti was still waiting for that person’s call. Suddenly an unknown number flashed on her phone. “Hi. Ms Neeti? I am Kunal. Remember you hit my car two days back?”

“Who? Oh, yeah I remembered. How much, Mr Kunal?” replied an ecstatic Neeti.

“Just a coffee and pastry party, if you don’t mind.” A hesitant Neeti couldn’t refuse the stranger’s request. She was not ready to acknowledge her feelings at such an initial stage.

She treated him at her own coffee shop. Their first meeting was an eventful one. He was an architect with a good sense of humor. There he used to stay with his uncle as his parents were settled abroad.

Soon they started meeting often. She liked Kunal’s caring nature; something she often missed post her parent’s divorce. Somewhere she realized that she had found her maiden love.

Kunal being an adventurous man, used to go on trekking tours frequently. This time, he asked Neeti to join him. Initially skeptical, she finally agreed. Next morning, they started for Manali. Yet again, she was on cloud nine. She could sense that romance in the air all around.

Oh! lamented Kunal.

“What’s the matter, sweetheart?” asked Neeti.

“It seems car has suffered a breakdown. It is already dark and late. Let me look for a mechanic. Meanwhile we shall arrange for a hotel here itself,” said a worried Kunal. They finally found a guest house. Being a peak season, they found a single room. Neeti didn’t give it second thought since marriage was next on their cards.

Next morning, when Neeti woke up, she didn’t find Kunal. “Maybe, he went to look out for mechanic. Oh! What’s wrong with me? Why is my head banging? Why can’t I remember anything about last night?”

It had been two hours but Kunal’s phone was switched off. Fearing the worst, she tried to find his whereabouts but to no avail.

“Ping, ping’. A message had come on her phone. An apprehensive Neeti immediately opened the message thinking just about her love. Neeti stood frozen. Her last night intimacy was caught in camera.

Had she gone viral?


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