The Fair

The Fair

Gazing at the fair across the road,
The little child in me awoke.
I merrily trudged to the fair gate,
And strolled in paying a mere pound.

I looked right and then left,
At one end the carousel beckoned.
And then there was the ferris wheel,
Standing tall over all, I could see.

Children squealed seeing the balloon seller,
Colorful hues all in their midst.
The man on the tightrope walked with ease,
Though the rope swayed and I watched fearfully.

As I went ahead, I craved candy floss,
Just then, a lady called out from her cart.
My hands filled with sticks of pink and blue,
Sugary candy melted in my mouth.

Drawn to the stands with games galore,
Target, score a basket, and bowl a ball.
With rifle in hand I aimed perfectly,
Bullseye it hit, Hallelujah! I cried.

I walked away with teddy in hand,
Next I stopped at the juggler’s aisle.
Oh, what speed with which the balls twirled,
Red, yellow, blue, all at once.

A clown bumped into me in the crowd,
Such a clumsy oaf, eyes a merry brown.
The children gathered to watch him perform,
And oh how, he made everyone laugh!

Rich aromas wafted in the air,
And my stomach grumbled in protest.
Peeking here, there, everywhere,
Pasta, hot dogs, pizza beckoned me.

I ended my meal with some soda pop,
And grabbed some ice cream from a stall.
Settling down on a rundown bench,
I reflected on the time I had spent.

Reliving my childhood at the fair,
Oh, a happy memory from my past.
And I would do it all over again,
Become a child for a day, every year.
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