The Last Birthday

Amrita Lahiri posted under Flash Fiction Giggles@Penmancy on 2019-11-13

She had only two weeks left. It was not easy to make four year old Samaira understand that she has approximately only fourteen more days to live. Samaira's family realized that she wouldn't be able to enjoy one more birthday. So, they decided to celebrate it early, putting up a huge cake of chocolate chips and decorations, and the neighborhood followed suit. Samaira's 11-year old brother Nihal said, “In her mind, it is just birthday. One day she woke up and saw a huge teddy bear. She doesn't know it's isn't really her birthday. She is just enjoying and having fun." Meanwhile, Samaira's health deteriorated. She no longer had the energy of a toddler and felt pain in her hands and legs. She liked to be outside, so she often sat in the terrace waving at the children passing by. This Sunday, her friends brought her favorite cartoon character inflatable toys of Barbie, Dora and Minions. While playing ‘Ringa Ringa Roses’ with her friends, she complained of feeling dizzy. She was rushed to the hospital where the doctors immediately administered her with medications. Ever since her cancer treatment had begun, she had developed a fear for needles. All her friends gathered around her bed and started making funny faces to make her happy. Some were singing birthday songs and others were dancing to the tunes. "Mommy, this is my best birthday ever. I am enjoying the song, the dance and so many gifts from my friends. Could you please ask God to wait and postpone my flight? I want to stay some more time." Samaira's eyes started blurring and her last words started echoing along the corridors. Alas, her journey ended but she stayed in the hearts of her friends and family forever!


