The Partnership

Sreemati Sen posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-27 on 2021-02-24

SHE scrutinized the room. The luxurious Benarasi curtains, the grand four poster bed, the carvings on the window and the Oak Cheval mirror imparted a regal and aristocratic look to the room. Perfect for a princess!   Tchk…Tchk.  SHE looked around. “Who is that?”  Tchk…Tchk…. Then SHE saw it. That Fan! The new addition. A fancy possession of the princess during one of her many trips to the city. If only the Princess had not bought it…!  SHE sighed once again.  Tchk…Tchk…  This time SHE glared back at the fan, annoyance clearly written on HER face. “I... I…need to talk to you…” “How dare you…...!” “Please…. Please…” “You! It’s because of you that…” Just then they heard the door opening. The Manager came in, turned on the lights, scanned the room and left.   “Pp…. please…listen. The bb…broom informed me…. a couple has rented this room.” “What? This is the Princess’s room. Never!”  “I... I have a plan.….” * The door opened to admit a newly married couple who gushed at the opulence of the room.  The woman went around examining each and every item in the room, while the man chose to lie down. As she drew closer to HER, the latter cringed in repugnance.  Don’t you touch me! SHE squeezed her eyes shut anticipating the indignity. But nothing happened. Opening her eyes, SHE found the woman comfortably plonked on the stool brushing her thick mane. And then setting the brush aside the woman leaned, slowly caressing HER SHE stood stunned. No one, except the princess, can touch her. Gathering all HER resources, SHE concentrated hard. All of a sudden, the woman gasped and then shrieked, waking up the man. He jumped up, grabbed her and carried her to the bed.   Awhile later, the woman calmed down and fell asleep in the arms of her beloved.    SHE motioned to the fan.  The man woke up to a strange noise. The fan hung just an inch above them with its sharp blades gradually protruding out. * The police officer instructed his team to take away the bodies. The manager stood near the door, eyeing the room suspiciously.   “Sir! How could both of them die of a heart attack? I think this room is haunted, especially after the princess’s suicide.” The officer shook his head and left.  The manager hurriedly shut the door and ran after him.   *  “Yay! We did it,” bellowed the fan. “But how did you scare that wench?”  “Nothing much. I channelized all my energies into creating an apparition. A wizened woman, with her skin hanging loose, blood-shot eyes and a mouth which opened wide enough to suck her in. Haha! Did you see her gasping for breath? Poor girl. And you my dear…that was outstanding!”   “Mirror, I want to tell you…. I had no role in the princess’s suicide. She just chose to hang from me.” The mirror shook gently and let out a deep sigh. “Let’s forget and move on partner! Tchk…Tchk…Partners in crime, right?”


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