The Probability Factor

Geetha switched on the television. The IPL 2022 Season 15 had begun. Today's match was between CSK and Mumbai Indians. She always looked forward to the toss. Cuddling her two-year-old she watched. "Fielding first should be favorable, but then let us see who wins the toss”. Simon Doull continued, ``It's tails, Mumbai Indians, won the toss. They opt to field, bad luck Dhoni," he finished. *** Back, in the year 2019. Geetha had fantasized Gaurav, on his knees, with a rose in hand. Not a bad guy. He looked smart and intelligent. He would propose to her, something she did not expect. What made her ask him for some time? She wondered while sprinkling Colin on the mirror. She wanted to see her face, fair, and glow.  *** Gaurav had joined her office 3 months back. Though in the same department no handshakes, no good morning wishes were exchanged between them. Moving her left index finger on her lower lip, she did wonder, how and why? The mirror had no reply. "Andava What is this girl doing in front of that mirror, early in the morning?The volume of the tone slowly increased? "Hi, girl, Hurry up. Your breakfast is laid. You will miss your office bus”.That was her mother. *** “See, Sir in Sitham's horoscope the Sun is in the 7 th place, and in the bride's horoscope the moon is in the 7 th place, this assures good compatibility. I can also see vamsavrudhi within the next two years. After some counting, recounting and discounting ,9 out of 12 porutham. Very good. No major misfortunes seen. Just go ahead”.   The family astrologer’s opinion. *** “What nonsense, what compatibility is he talking about? What does that man know about our likes and dislikes? Geetha muttered. “Oh, already sense of belongingness, Avaru, yavar maa avar.” Mummy stop messing with words, Geetha screamed and walked into her room. Bang!  She closed the door. *** “That black saree will suit your faaair skin. You will look very pretty. Photo also will come out well.” That was Grandma. For a black and white picture any dark shade would have the same impact, but who should argue with granny. I have no intention of sending any color photo of mine. Geetha had made up her mind.  Today, The feminist in her, pulling courage, ”Mama, why don't you ask them for that boy's photo”? Geetha asked. “No need to ask for their photo and all. It will not be realistic. You can see him face to face. Have patience. Now no more chatting, I have lots of work to do.” Mother cut her off, before any further argument. *** With the black and white photo in hand. Admiring her features one by one and comparing them with the one in the mirror. She forgot to notice her mother's presence in the room. “I have been observing you for the past 5 minutes. Busy looking at the photo and looking into the mirror. Don't waste much time, the photo looks realistic. Sitham's family is visiting us this Sunday at 2 pm. “So saying mother was off the hook, giggling. What if Sitham rejects me, or I dislike him? Will Gaurav grow a beard and become alcoholic? Will it be a Sagarasangham or Kaho naa pyar hai?Geetha wondered. Again the mirror had no reply. *** The boy side gave a nod. Sitham’s parents had already won her heart. They were very different from the television serial in-laws.  She still believed that an arranged marriage is an old school of thought. A love marriage, where the boy and girl get to know each other better was the right way forward. It was her turn to reply. *** The Filmfare magazine was feeling neglected on the sofa. Geetha casually picked it up. There was an article on Hrithik Roshan- , Career-love-marriage -divorce. Oh, so there can be a divorce after years and years of dating and marriage.  Here, I have my parents with their Silver anniversary, round the corner. Geetha thought. “It is already late, switch on the TV. Toss dear toss, Csk Vs Mumbai Indians.”Her brother rushed in for the remote. She watched the toss. Something struck. Slowly slipping into the room. With a one-rupee coin. Saying the probability for a happy marriage in either arranged or love marriage is half, I mean 50-50.Now, taking the call, it is Heads for Sitham. The coin was tossed.  Congratulation's Sitham! The mirror happily announced.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!