The Sunflowers

The Sunflowers

A golden summer morning I meandered, chancing upon a field of sunflowers.
They bloomed saluting the heavens, like tall & proud sentinels in castle towers.
The effervescence of the sun spread its jurisprudence on the cool azure sky
It filtered down, like a gentle seasonal sparge coating the smiling flowers.

The proud stalks, bedecked in hues of green, stood with their heads held high.
For miles that I could see, the undulating hills abounded yellow, far and nigh.
To the balmy summer breeze blowing, these custodians of nature gave passage
Gently swaying, nay, dancing to her tunes, happily and wistfully they did sigh.

Aah! Such breathtaking beauty I saw before me, quite like a heavenly message
I stood with wondrous rapture noting their cocky, almost vainglorious carriage
To the wilful wind that serenaded, the blossoms dipped, curtsied and bobbed
They played with her, catching and swirling her gusto, a symphony like marriage.

The butterflies and bees flitted, from flower to flower, the pollen they robbed
The hummingbirds hovered near, darting in and out, for nectar they mobbed.
Jostling among themselves for prominence, the flowers blushed at this intrusion
Spellbound I viewed this magnificence of God’s art, all the colours he daubed.
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