The Tint of my Life is Fading

The Tint of my Life is Fading

It was during the tender age of sixteen,
I fell in love with you
And, whenever our eyes met,
My heart always skipped a beat. 
When you gently tugged my hand into yours,
I blushed but, it went unnoticed.
How I wished to stay in your heart,
Like the caged birds
But, alas, we were not on the same page.
I didn’t want to ruin our friendship,
So never confessed and told you how I felt
Look, time slipped away from my hands.
Today I am in my sixty’s and,
Leading a lone life in a cosy home.
Instead of sleep am accompanied by loneliness
And the tint of my existence slowly fading.
I know we have parted ways long back,
But there is a fragile hope of 
meeting you one day before I depart.
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