The Unrequited Love

Prinyanka Naik posted under PenMuse-11 Poetry on 2019-09-21

Have you ever loved  With all your heart And had it broken Into a zillion pieces By a single line Or word of indifference 'I didn't see it coming' ‘We’re just good friends' A clear 'No'' A confused 'maybe'  Even an emphatic little nod  Or that subtle right head tilt  Pretending they perfectly understand The agony, the ordeal  The searing pain  that rips your chest As they try to balm Console, soothe, mollify You with fake promises  of togetherness Not in this lifetime, mind you, but  maybe in another one... Have you ever loved With all your heart And regretted the choice Of confiding without confirming Trusting without testing Forgiving without forsaking The heart that did  a silly flip The mind that soared senseless high Eyes that glazed pulse that raced All for a forbidden love That would never be yours Not in this lifetime,  mind you, but  maybe in another one...
