The Unstoppables

Vishwanathan Iyer posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-27 on 2021-02-13

"Why can't these needles freeze?" roared a furious Capt. Abhishek, staring at me. He was pretty nervous and running through mixed emotions that moment. He was walking up and down the aisle frantically, and I was the only mute spectator in his office. I wanted to respond, "Mr. Captain, Time and tide waits for none."  I refrained as the man in front of me was a war veteran and deserved a pat on his back for all the heroics he had performed. Though I did neither of the above, I did the best I could do - to keep ticking! As my eldest son reached 2 and the other two were at 12, I had to hoot twice signalling it was the Time. Don't know the exact moment, he was expecting but from his reaction, I could sense it was very close. *** Three hours ago, his core team had a secret meeting. Only 7 top level officers were called and they briefed him about the top-level mission to be executed. I overheard, a Surgical strike was to be carried out.  However, some late inputs received needed tweaks in the plan at ground level. An intense 20 mins meet, and the final plan of action was decided.  Before vacating the office, each officer matched the time on their wrist watch. It was my moment of glory when other upgraded digital versions were directed to adjust their time with my face value. Obviously, I swelled with pride when the younger upgraded versions adjusted, as if young recruits gave a grand salute to their Chief Commander. Each officer was allotted a specific job to perform during the attack and report back to the base camp. Capt. Abhishek was incharge of the operations and he had to report to Commanding Officer as and when he got updates from the base camp. *** As he looked at me, my second son reached #6, the eldest still resting at #2 while the youngest one running as fast as he could.  I could sense it was nerve-breaking moments for the Captain. On one hand, he was incharge of the entire operation and on the other hand, he could not do anything on ground (what an anti-climax)!! The experience of such able officers was to guide the enthusiasm and zeal of young recruits.  Our armed forces feel blessed to have the perfect blend of experience and exuberance in their rolls and everyone involved do not think twice if they get an opportunity to return home  wrapped in a Tri-colour. *** In the midst of these tense moments, the phone buzzed. A short talk and he was exhilarated. He pumped his fist in the air and shouted "Yes, we have done it." His moist eyes and a silent prayer conveyed the success of the mission. I was overwhelmed to witness yet another victory hanging on the walls of this prestigious office. Many of my brothers and sisters at different places may not get the respect that I command here!!! Jai Hind!!!


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