Those Nine Months

Urvi Mehta Kadakia posted under Flash Fiction Nine Tales on 2020-10-25

She was born on the ninth day of the ninth month. Being her lucky number, number nine always found her. Her number in the school was nine. Her house number was nine.  As a teenager, she had nine choli sets for all nine days of Navratri. For her nineteenth birthday, she got a gold finger ring bearing all the nine gems (navratna) as a birthday gift from her parents. She met her prince charming at work and was lucky to marry the one she loved. She was excited when they started planning for a family.  She was sure those nine months would be heavenly for her as the number nine had never betrayed her. She imagined how special her husband would make her feel. Her mother-in-law would treat her with her favourite delicacies. Her father-in-law would bring her fruits and her sister-in-law would never allow her to bend and work.  She secretly felt the kicks of the baby and loved the dishes specially made for pregnant ladies. She decided the colour of her saree on her baby shower. She was jolted out of her reverie by her husband, "Only one pink line." She was disheartened. For a few months, she got only one pink line, while she was dying to see two pink lines. Finally, they consulted a gynaecologist. After a few tests, she was declared infertile. All her dreams were shattered. She realised she'll never feel those kicks and there will be no baby shower. She couldn't nurture a life within her. She couldn't live those nine months which transforms a woman. Those nine months remained a dream.
