To ‘Bear’ the Bear

Srividya Subramanian posted under PenMuse-48 Poetry on 2023-01-13

I am a little, snowy bear, Custard is my name. This is my master Who is old and lame. When I see a stranger, I growl in a feeble voice To not disturb my dear master Who gets upset in a trice. I am a special, trusted bear,  Yes, it’s very true, I once scared a snooping thief  Who appeared out of the blue! But there’s a special someone Who makes me blush all pink I love her more than my master, But he doesn’t mind my little fling! To see him once, came his little sister, For whom I don’t much care, She spread the word around the neighbourhood, That her brother had to ‘bear’ with a bear! It was a happy scene!   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!