Weathered by Welcome

Glory Neeraj posted under PenMuse-55 Poetry on 2023-09-16

Upon the floor, I humbly lie each day, A foot-mat, weary, worn, and stained by time, In quiet service, here I choose to stay. From muddied boots to heels that scuff and tread, My fibers bear the burden, filled with dread. I've felt the weight of countless steps array, Soiled shoes and slippers that leisurely climb, Upon the floor, I humbly lie each day. Once vibrant, colors bright and fresh and new, Now faded, tired, with stains of every hue. Seasons' change, I've weathered in disarray, Yet still, I guard the entrance, so sublime, In quiet service, here I choose to stay. I rest upon the threshold, worn and frayed, Beneath the weight of feet, I'm left dismayed. In rain and snow, I've soaked the tears of gray, Absorbing all, as though it were my prime, Upon the floor, I humbly lie each day. In silence, I endure each step you take, My plea for care and grace, do not forsake. My pigments fade, my edges start to fray, But in my fibers, fables of life rhyme, In quiet service, here I choose to stay. Though trodden down, I serve without delay, A Silent witness to dusting all grime, Upon the floor, I humbly lie each day, In quiet service, here I choose to stay. Author's Note: Immerse yourself in the sentiments of a footmat in 'Weathered by Welcome'. Amidst the perpetual wear and tear, the mat's stoic service embodies fortitude and unwavering devotion. May we draw inspiration from this steadfast persistence in the face of life's tribulations, ceasing complaints, and fostering fortitude.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!