A Birthday Song

Shristee Singh posted under PenMuse-30 Poetry on 2021-05-20

It’s your birthday, and I don’t know what gift to bring, I’ll croon a little birthday song, With all my love and blessings… I’ll try to sing. May you live a life, sanctitude and long, In the service of the holy Master… I’ll croon a little birthday song. May, seed of knowledge, into a tree grow faster, Manifesting the nectar divine, In the service of the holy Master. The dust rising from your feet, purify and shine... The naïve and profane, living in gloom, Manifesting the nectar divine. Helping each lost soul, find its way to bloom, Burnishing their hidden light, The naïve and profane, living in gloom. May the heavens sing your glory, in delight… In which the blessings of Divine Masters cling. Burnishing their hidden light, With all my love and blessings… I’ll try to sing.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!