A Broken Heart

Gayathri Achar posted under PenMuse-39 Poetry on 2022-03-20

Sans you my life’s nothing but black and white, A hollow world lacking luster and warmth, Like autumn leaves slowly fading away, I’m falling in an abyss with no light. My fervent love for you is infinite, You ignited my heart with sparks of fire, Now dying embers remain in my heart, Sans you my life’s nothing but black and white. You have left me in a terrible plight, I pine for blissful moments together, My once lively, burning heart feels shattered, I’m falling in an abyss with no light. Sans you my life’s nothing but black and white, Please free me from this dreadful misery, I’m falling in an abyss with no light.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!