A Call for Justice

Sharda Mishra posted under Tale-a-thlon S4: Poetry on 2024-08-27

In darkest halls where silent shadows creep, 
The cries for help are met with cruel disdain, 
A life cut short, a city wracked with pain, 
The endless night where weary hearts still weep. 
Within the quiet, promises we keep, 
To fight for justice, breaking every chain, 
To lift the truth, to let its light remain, 
And wake the conscience from its heavy sleep. 

Yet still we stand, united in our cry,
Demanding justice for the wronged and lost,
For in our strength, the truth shall never die,
No more lives taken, no more lines uncrossed.
We seek a world where none are left to sigh,
Where peace prevails, no matter what the cost.