A Dance Divine

Shailaja Pai posted under PenMuse-07 Poetry Villanelle on 2019-05-16

Come, revel in this ethereal sight With a million stars that twinkle and shine, Behold the moon romance the night. Like a celestial, gallant, shining knight He takes her hand for a dance divine, Come, revel in this ethereal sight. Swaying to the music of the breeze so light On the silver dance floor, their arms entwine Behold the moon romance the night. The whispering woods watch in rapturous delight Enchanted, transfixed by the marvel sublime Come, revel in this ethereal sight. The placid lake robed in frills of white Beckons every bush, every tree and curling vine, Come, revel in this ethereal sight Behold the moon romance the night. ___________________________ For more of such content follow us on Social Media: