A Dinner Night to Remember

Everyone sat in polite attention as is the norm of a ‘Dinner night’ at an Officers’ Mess. The officers in their impressive blue patrols with glittering accoutrements, slickly combed hair and freshly shaved visage glowed in the candle light. The ladies, decked in sparkling silks, coiffed hair, glinting jewellery and perfectly applied make up looked like exotic divas.
“Where is she?” wondered Lieutenant Bakshi.
First to be served was the ‘Shrimp cocktail’.
The pink juicy shrimps in a tangy mayonnaise sauce on a bed of crunchy lettuce, delectably seasoned had everyone’s attention. Perfectly prepared by Subbu, the Head Cook, (a prized possession of the Cavalry Regiment). As people tucked into their fare following the CO’s example, Lieutenant Bakshi bit his lip as he struggled with the cold prawns and and tangy sauce.
Bakshi was the youngest officer at the table. Tall, well built and full of life. It was tough for him to sit through a formal dinner night. For a munda from Punjab, who had grown up on hearty makki-di-roti and sarson-da-saag followed by gallons of buttermilk, small servings in cocktail glasses, were definitely not his cup of tea. Before he could reach the bottom of his cocktail glass, the stiff bearer had removed his glass. It had to be- as they took the cue from the Commanding Officer. If he closed his plate, so woud everyone else. Those were the mess etiquette to be followed.
‘Filet of Sole’ with a side of Steamed Broccoli served with Hollandaise sauce, was next. The bearers got busy changing plates, serving the portions. Only the clink of glasses punctuated the silence. Conversation was limited to the people on either side of a guest and that too inaudible.
The fish flaked off easily- soft and moist, while the skin was a crunchy delight. The tangy sauce offset the steamed broccoli to a creamy delight. As everyone tucked into the delectable fare Bakshi felt a tug at his feet.
Most curious.
He recalled the beautiful lady he had wished “Good evening” earlier. The one who bid him “Good evening” with the most bewitching smile. When he turned to introduce himself, she had somehow glided to the end of the room and beckoned him to follow.
On enquiring from his senior about her identity, the officer laughed and said “She is a lonely spirit. Lore has it that she lost her husband in a hunting expedition. She is on a hunt to get herself a husband.You stay away from her.”
The tug at his feet became stronger, as everyone watched horrified, he was dragged under, accompanied with a high-pitched laughter.
The table cloth was yanked off by someone, the wine glasses truly went bottoms up. Plates and dishes went flying as did the fillets of sole, broccoli and the Hollandaise sauce.
The ladies screamed as the officers dived to save their brother officer.
Munda- boy
makki-di-roti - Punjabi special bread made with flour of maize
sarson-da-saag- Punjabi special dish of greens flavoured strongly with mustard greens