A Dog's Tale

Lakshmi Menon posted under Flash Fiction Guest Posts QuinTale-33 on 2021-09-19

Emperor Rob sat entertaining his grandson. "Grandpa, can you tell me my favorite story once again?" asked the little one. With a smile, Rob began, "Long, long ago, one rainy night, the clouds clashed and spewed lightning. Rrroooooar! Clllllassssssshhhhh! Drenched, I rushed into the woods. There I saw an old, abandoned treehouse. I quickly mounted the rickety stairs hoping to stay warm and dry.  Creeaaak! Creaaaak! As I settled in a corner, lights flashed from the sky. Thadooom! The roof of the treehouse parted, and the skies opened.  Hoooooo! I howled in fear. Zoom! I went flying into the skies, and I passed out in fear. When I woke up, I thought I had a silly dream. But when I stepped out, the woods were gone, and the treehouse stood on a lone tree. Then, I knew I was in a different land, in a distant galaxy. I was tired and thirsty. I saw some sparkling liquid and quickly lapped it up without much thought. Do you know what happened next?" Rob asked the little one, who was all ears. "I felt rejuvenated and strong. I had evolved into a super-intelligent dog! That liquid was, is an elixir. It makes you and me superior. Dogs in this land get bones dipped in the potion so that our superiority amongst animals is maintained. I have it safely stored in a secret place.  Now, coming back to the story... I was happy at first. Later, I became lonely. I missed my friends. I went back to the treehouse looking for a way back home, but there was none.  Hooooo! I howled in despair.  Lo! This time the ground opened.  I realized my howl was the key to the pathway that connected this land to the Earth. I went back, invited my friends and some other animals up here. Soon a society was formed, with me as the emperor."  "Pardon me, Sir. There's a problem," said a minister interrupting the tete-a-tete.  "Run along now; I have important matters to deal with," Rob said, dismissing his grandson.  "Your majesty, some cats and traitor dogs have revolted. They want the elixir. Our army is ready to fight. Awaiting your orders, Sir,"  "Why fight? Pass the word that I am trying to hide the elixir and that I will reach the treehouse in an hour," Rob said after deciding his course of action. One hour later, Rob was attacked at the treehouse. "Up there!" Rob pointed to the treehouse and stepped back. The cats rushed first. They found littered gold and locked trunks. Some got curious and opened the crates, only to be bit by venomous snakes.  The traitor dogs followed. Rob waited till the last dog entered the treehouse. Then, he howled. The ground opened. The cats and dogs fell to their deaths. Victorious, Rob returned to his palace and ruled wisely for many years. Now you know how,  Curiosity killed the cats. And why,  It rained cats and dogs.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!