A Dying Wish

Ramya Nair posted under PenMuse-14 Poetry on 2019-12-11

The brutal cold seemed to seep into her very bones Her soul shivered as she lay broken by the lonely road Clueless about how she had ended up in such a horrific mess. What had started out as a routine day, had now turned into the worst nightmare of her life.  Hurt beyond words,  Hurt beyond screams she was Violated, burned and left to die,  Barely able to feel, Barely hanging onto life she was  Yet she felt the chill, settling into her body, or what was left of it If only she could find her way back home,  Crawl back into her warm blankets If only she could get back, Curl up in her favourite nook by the window Maybe then, she could unfeel the horrors  that she had had to endure Maybe then, she could unsee the beasts wearing human faces,  With hearts colder than ice Maybe then, she would understand why they had treated her like this,  Worse than a ragdoll in the hands of a toddler. She had always hated the cold with a passion, Now she had yet another reason to. When others had waited to welcome winters with cheerful smiles  All she had wanted to do was sleep the chilly days away.  With dying eyes, she looked up at the darkened sky,  And wished for the dawn to come soon So she could feel the morning heat upon her skin one last time. So she could feel the morning warmth on her face, and feel safe one last time. _______ _______