A Love Saga

Lores of  valour and heroism of the Gallant Reaches the beauty, cupid strikes her in  an instant The Gallant bemused by tales of her beauty, striking  Falls in amour, as he sights her portrait, poised, charming  But her father counters the match To spite Gallant ,invites all but him to his castle A swayamvar of kings, arranges he for his  bairn, gentle A statue of the Gallant, places at entrance Trying to affront, insult and disgrace, the prince The news of swayamvar reaches the Gallant Princess dressed soigne enters the Hall of swayamvar Frantic eyes  search , seek  brigand in his armour Ignoring kings ,walks briskly to the statue to garland   Gallant hidden behind takes the  garland, and her soft  hand Bolts off with her on a horse to their own world  Note.The adventurous tale of love of Prithviraj and Samyuktha Image credit: Google   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!