A Plea for Compassion

Moonmoon Chowdhury posted under PenMuse-42 Poetry on 2022-06-20

And I wished upon a shooting star, For tendrils of hate to melt, Love is multi-hued, let’s end the feud, And undo the pain forever dealt. Imagine a world in monochrome, Sans streaks of plum, green, and gold,  Let’s end the feud, love is multi-hued, And welcome new tales, as they unfold. Laws alone cannot transform the scene, Mindsets ought to sway in sync, Love is multi-hued, let’s end the feud, And embrace the lives bent on the brink. A Sunflower cannot be a Rose, They trudge through their unique tracks, Let’s end the feud, love is multi-hued, Let compassion heal the yawning cracks.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!