A Prayer for Paradise

Urmi Chakravorty posted under Poetry Tale-a-thlon S2: Poetry on 2022-08-14

The sun splashes gold and mauve on the grey vault, Flights of birds trill and scud back to their warm nests, The daisy bids goodbye to the dappled moth Drawing a long, last sip of the nectar sweet. “Woof-Woof!!” The herding dog barks and circles Around the woolly flocks, guiding them home, As the young shepherd boy trudges up the slopes, Jaded, after an arduous day at work. The royal chinar rustles in the balmy breeze, The shikara anchors amidst the light-starved lake, Miles of purple saffron colour the evening sky, As families bond over hot, flavoured kahwa.  Soon, a blitzkrieg ravages the peaceful hills As bloodthirsty men lust for this paradise, And yet, a brave peasant hoists a makeshift flagpole To let the tricolour grant hope and peace to all! Glossary: Chinar – a tall deciduous tree, found abundantly in Kashmir Shikara – a multi-purpose wooden boat, used for both trade and tourism in Kashmir Kahwa – a specially brewed rich, flavoured tea, traditionally enjoyed in Kashmir   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!