A Ride To Remember with the DHR

Preeti Brahmin posted under Guest Posts PenMuse-51 Poetry on 2023-04-20

The Darjeeling Toy Train chugs along, Through gossamer mists  and  cool mountain scenes, Its journey ever so gentle and long From Siliguri it sings a song, Past Sukna and its thickets of forest greens, The Darjeeling Toy Train chugs along Tindharia and its loop oblong A stunning vision, a photographer’s dream, It’s journey ever so gentle and long Kurseong, where tea plantations throng, The train dances to the rhythm of the queen, Its journey ever so gentle and long Ghoom, the highest point, where winds blow strong The Batasia loop, an experience  to glean, The Darjeeling Toy Train chugs along It whistles  and hums every next furlong, Chanting a pure  hymn like  Nature’s pilgrim, Its journey ever so gentle and long The Darjeeling Toy Train chugs along     Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!