A Run Away Song

Sheena Jain posted under PenMuse-16 Poetry on 2020-02-16

Let us run away to get some clean air Put on our bright and sturdy running shoes Run far from monsters lurking everywhere First let's run from unsolicited views Next from the group hatred spread by the news On the way we'll throw gossips in the bin And run away too, from persisting blues Let's leave the shores of this disturbing din Away from hypocrisy, turn our chin Let us find bliss in the mellow sunset Run from apathy, laziness's sad twin What lowers our self, let's run to forget And take that step, towards a healthy mind Let's breathe free with all the junk left behind _________ _________   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!