A Slice of My Life

Srividya Subramanian posted under PenMuse-55 Poetry on 2023-09-17

I desire to have a slice of my life A chunky piece of me, for me alone, Free from any iniquity or strife.      A piece creamy, exquisite and elite      To which I dedicate every heartbeat. I'm not just a mother or a housewife For them, who believe have a right to own I desire to have a slice of my life.            The portion that tastes surreal and sweet        After arduous times, a wholesome treat. It cannot be cut by a selfish knife It's magnificence, I praise and intone Free from any iniquity or strife.                I can shape it better in hours discreet          May not be perfect but makes me complete. To add delectable toppings, I strive Decorate it with sweat, for me alone I desire to have a slice of my life.        It doesn't burn or melt in envious heat       God's precious gift to me, which none can beat. One, which will never leave me in a trice Becomes my identity, carved in stone Free from any iniquity or strife.            I aim for the rainbow and soar the sky,        Sometimes like a seagull that stays airborne        I desire to have a slice of my life,        Free from any iniquity or strife.    Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!