A Traitor’s House

Reshma Krishnan posted under Tale-a-thlon S4: Flash Fiction on 2024-08-04

It was late at night when Leena returned home. Another wedding attended. One more friend had tied the knot. She was dead tired and tiptoed into the house.

She had not expected her old grandmother to be waiting for her with a glass of drink in her hand. 

"When are you getting married, Leena? Do I get to see you settled, dear?" Her grandmother asked.

Leena recognized a shiver in her voice. Grandma was overthinking again. The same question was asked after any of her friends got engaged or married. 

“Have you been drinking again, grandma? What have I told you about your health?”

“I want to see you happy, Leena. How many years will I survive now, dear? Get married."

"Sure, grandma, next year.” Was her answer to every marriage-related question. She loved her grandma but hated the annoying questions about marriage.

“Don't wait for him, dear. He is never going to come back. He is gone away now, you hear me? Find yourself a partner, dear. It is very difficult to stay alone once you get old."

Rajeev was a traitor. A traitor who left her.

She put her grandma to sleep and returned to her room. She could not sleep. Every time someone mentioned Rajeev, she struggled with emotions and anger. Sleep would be a hard task, and she would return to her past. She sat on her balcony, looking out at the blinking traffic lights.

Rajeev was her friend. Her best friend. Leena never understood how those years of studying converted into years of dating. It was always fun with Rajeev. He was the life of the group. Always up to something. He had this green scooter, which Leena always made fun of. Rajeev would pick her up, and they both travelled together on the scooter.

A surprise proposal from Rajeev had turned Leena’s life completely. She had said yes to him. They promised to stay together forever, as everyone who is in love does. 

“We will buy a house. A real cosy one, and I will paint it yellow with a green door.” Rajeev used to say.

“Sure, only if you get rid of the scooter." Leena would reply.

Leena smiled as she remembered this, but tears rolled down her cheeks. Rajeev had deserted her. He never came back after he left one day for his home town. No word was heard from him. No calls answered, no letters, and no explanation about his whereabouts.

Leena was devastated, but she had not lost hope. Rajeev would never do that to me, was her belief. Days rolled into weeks and weeks into years. 

It was almost ten years ago, but the heartache never left her in peace.

Leena woke up with a start. She was to catch a flight to Spain. She travelled a lot for her work. She loved it. The after-work sightseeing was a perk of her job that was otherwise monotonous. Being away from her grandma was a bother, but again being away from the city helped her.

Spain was refreshing for her. She set out with her colleagues to visit the beautiful town of Morella. As they walked the streets, Leena decided to take a detour and avoid the market. She walked slowly, taking in the beauty of the town.

As she turned into a small street, she stood still. She could not believe her eyes. She stood staring at what she saw in front of her. A small house that was painted yellow stood before her. The door was green. There was a green scooter that was parked in front of the house. 

Leena slowly moved towards the house. She knocked and waited. An elderly man opened the door. He looked Indian and spoke slowly. Leena hesitantly asked about the colour of the house, the door, and the scooter parked outside.

“Yes, it is Rajeev’s. He wanted the house to be like this. He wanted the house painted yellow. He wanted the door green. He wanted the scooter to be parked out always on that very spot." The old man smiled sadly.

“She would like it”, Rajeev had said to me.

Puzzled, Leena kept looking at the elderly man.

“Where is Rajeev?” She asked. “Why didn’t he ever call?”

“We lost Rajeev ten years back. It was a serious road accident. We couldn't save him. I am his dad.”

Leena kept staring at the house. A traitor’s house.

A traitor who left her.