A Tryst with My Thoughts

Moumita Dutta posted under Book Review on 2021-12-18

A Tryst with My Thoughts is a collection of thirty three poems written straight from the heart, by the author Ratnaprabha Raykar. The title is quite apt and compliments the content rightly. Poems are a great way to pour our heart out. It gives us the chance to share our thoughts with the world. The rendezvous with her thoughts helped the author to pen such lovely poems. In this book, the authors emotions, voice and the messages were prominent. Each of the 33 poems will touch your heart in some way or the other. Quite relatable and I believe the readers will connect with most of the topics. Through her poems, she spoke on a variety of topics: the impact of the recent pandemic on our lives, loss of her child and the grief she fought with, about the warriors who came forward to help and support during the challenging times, about nature, a few memorable incidents that etched a mark in our hearts and on the pages of history. This brought a variety in her collection. Since reality is always relatable, each poem was composed carefully considering the dealings, elements, and incidents around us.  I enjoyed reading most of the poems and loved the thought provoking elements in some. The choice of words, structure, emotional aspect, arrangement, the abstract art on the cover, lucid language and the pathos she incorporated were noteworthy. Poetries are free of fixed rules, yet I feel a bit of fine editing could’ve added more charm to this attentively written book of poems. Poems like “My Princess,” “Pure White,” “As the Evening Meets Dark,” “Me, An Old House,” and “Thoughts,” succeeded in creating an impact. Quoting a few of my favorite lines:  “Thoughts... like the errant schoolchild/ Slither away from the channeled course”  “Pure white I cannot fathom / The multi hues you hide within yourself”  “Be wary, let not success cloud your prudence”  “Come let us all together lend a hand to snuff out the insidious”   Overall, a thoughtful collection with a wide range of poems. This book is surely a good read and the poetry lovers will enjoy the treat. Do read the book and share your thoughts with the author.  Buy the book here: