A Ubiquitous Feeling

Love can neither be created nor destroyed. Yours from the moment, I have seen you. A Ubiquitous Feeling of great power. Instant eyes connected, soul stirred. My heart and head at constant war. Heart pumps every sec, brain works 24/7. Heart often says, "I always knew you." Head does not agree, denies this fact. Feeling of completeness, even if separate. That momentary gaze, robbed life away. True love and loyal friends are hard to find. Blind faith and trust, prerequisite to survive. Reality is a brutal weapon. The dreams and mystification of, “NOW” sets in. The time can’t be predicted or calculated. End of slip and wink of this magical moment.   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!