A Wilderness, my Beloved

Batool Idrish posted under Tale-a-thlon S4: Poetry on 2024-08-31

My beloved came from the muddy waters 

Of Severn, a strange river, neither blue nor brown.

Her mouth babbled, and her laughter was a riotous drown.

Her brown eyes, eddies that, stirred, intimate whispers.


Her hair, tangled-strands on Severn’s grassy bank with otters,

Nosing around in stillness, peering up and down.

My eyes in curiosity stared at her shining red crown.

Her hair fell on her limp limbs that flowed like its waters.


Untamed, my beloved, like Severn's mixture of brown and blue.

In her, I could smell wild Severn's autumnal bliss,

That welsh wilderness in her, untouched and virginal, yet true! 

Ah my nostrils ached and longed for her wild, wild kiss!

I sought a union betwixt two polar opposites, when I knew,

No glue binds mortar to glen. Alas, naught could bridge this abyss!


Severn : a river in UK