A Wistful Lament

Mommy, can we just sit together and talk?
About school, friends or that gifted yellow frock
Amid toys umpteen, your time I seem to lack
The gleeful child in me, can I have it back?
Mommy, can we both visit the park and play?
Like how my friends in their mothers’ bosom sway
“Shush! Go play with your comrades” is all I hear
Turning the lights off, you grab another beer.
Mommy, can we go on a tour, you and I?
Explore new places and savor chicken fry
Drowned in work, you keep saying “I don’t have time!”
Look! I’ve found solace in the tinkling windchime.
Mommy, can you cook something tasty for me?
On days I am sick and heart’s devoid of glee
Pizzas, burgers and rolls allure me no more
Wistful eyes of mine keep glancing at the door.
Mommy, can you sing me every night to sleep?
Soused in your tune, happiness I want to seep
Chirping crickets, hooting owls sing lullabies
Thus, taming the fierce grief within me that rise!
Mommy, can you please stop hugging me so tight?
How’s that you’ve time now, seeing me wrapped in white?
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