A Woman's Prayer

Dr. Guncha Gupta posted under PenMuse-18 Poetry on 2020-04-08

I pray to You O dear Lord To make me a man of Your own accord. When I die and it’s time to be reborn Resend me to my husband’s arms. Lord, I trust in You and respect Your bond Hence the token of troth I willingly pledge to the man Only as my woman if he is reborn! For seven rebirths true I shall stay As husband to this same man, I pray So when I die please do grant this simple wish of mine, my Lord For, after thirteen years of wedded life, I’ve come to realise You spent Your spare time in creating this creature so sublime. Really, tell me O dear Lord Was it a hobby or was it humour that brought into this world ‘Man avatars’? No bodily pain, no mental strain. They don’t seem to suffer birthing, menstruation or parental home separation! Much leeway they seem to get In their manners, attire, behaviour, no sweat! For once O dear Lord let me enjoy the profanity Rather than vanity. Let me see my man - now woman swirl About in tutus and in curls Vainly admiring while I roar From my lazy sofa on the floor How much longer will you take Woman! Come we are getting late !! Oh ! What have you cooked today This patsy lay you call a food tray! Come, woman! Don’t waste my time In household chores, these vegetables, groceries and wines. For my friends are waiting for me today Scotch is what I crave for the day! What meagre earning this cheque of yours? Oh wait let me encash it. Alas !! It must have been humour dear Lord That into this world such inequality brought For who doesn’t like a hearty laugh? Another reason I fear my mind accepts not !!


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