Ache of the Soul

Roohi Bhargava posted under Poetry on 2023-08-06

I’m falling out of love, With all the ugly scars, You’ve pierced my soul and heart, By unloving actions,  You’ve broken my palate.  I’m falling out of love, You’ve pulled away from love,  Promise of forever, You forgot  love moments,  Crushing love for ever.  I’m falling out of love,  Our Love is vanishing, You’re no more the same,  Turned away from my soul, Igniting a hurt flame.  I’m falling out of love, Unloving is a pain,  Causing ache in ardor, You’re hurting me hard, Falling out of amour.    Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!