AD.Verve :)

Alpna Das Sharma posted under Flash Fiction QuinTale-43 on 2022-07-19

AD.Verve :)

The buffaloes bellowed, the boys shouted and the birds flew shrieking from the trees….” You hear the droning in the background. You count the buffaloes, including the new-born calf who would rather suckle than bellow. Then you go after the boys, who are creating quite a ruckus. Unable to keep up with them, you conclude that it is better to fly with the noisy birds and get an aerial view of everything.   And you take off! Aah….you  feel the breeze ruffling your  hair and exhilarated, you flap your wings harder, soaring higher and higher. You close your eyes and squeal with joy. You feel alive. Pure bliss! “Sfurti!” You are shaken by the jarring sound. You wonder whether it’s the buffaloes or the boys screaming out of envy. You feel firm hands grabbing you by the shoulder and pushing you down.   “Is this the way to behave in a classroom?” You shuffle your feet, confused. You bend your head even as your eyes dart from one side to the other, taking in the laughter all around you. You hear Savita ma’am describe how you had been hopping from one desk to another and then running around the classroom with your hands outstretched. But you  were just counting the buffaloes, following the boys and flying….. Oh! You realise it is one of those unexplainable moments that mummy describes to papa; the blur when you seem to listen but stop hearing; when your arms, legs, and fingers conspire to break free from the shackles of monotony while your heart and brain bicker unabashedly, refusing to call a truce. “Sit still and listen.”  You hear that a zillion times in a day. You don’t know how to explain that sharpening five pencils and twirling the eraser help you comprehend instructions better. You know that if you don’t do that, things might just end up like they did today when you fell straight into the stifling buffalo dung from the liberating skies.   “Her high energy levels keep her distracted.”  You overhear papa briefing mummy at home. You remember everyone applauding your brother’s energy the day he won a table tennis tournament two hours after giving his last summative exam. You ponder why your limitless energy isn’t appreciated. You wish you could tell them how tough it is to hang upside down from your bunk bed while reading or how challenging it is to climb up chairs twenty times a day to get to your secret diary and put in your observations. “ADHD!”  You discern the paediatrician’s declaration. You don’t like the sound of it. You try to write it in your secret diary. You spend an hour recalling whether it had one ‘D’or two. “What’s Verve?” You are all ears to your brother’s query about a writing prompt. Vigour, Enthusiasm, Raring to go, Vitality, Excitement That’s it!You seem to have found yourself in mummy’s answer. You smile as you compliment yourself on your remarkable verve for life. And you spread your wings……. Author’s note:- Through this write-up I hope to highlight the hurdles faced by a child suffering from ADHD ( Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) .ADHD is a chronic condition  which may persist till adulthood and includes difficulty focusing, hyperactivity, fidgeting, excitability, impulsivity, lack of restraint, impulsivity.   Needless to say, ADHD kids are judged, shamed and labelled as naughty, indisciplined or unruly kids who just don’t  ‘fit in.’ While learning disabilities can be part of the ADHD spectrum on one side, the condition has also been seen in people with high IQ. Glossary:- Sfurti (here, name)– Energy   Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!