All for One! One for All!

Part 1 – Just Another Day Julius woke up from his semi-slumber. He had always been a noticeably light sleeper and woke up at the slightest disturbance. He had a heightened sense of paranoia for any trouble in the neighbourhood and vowed to keep a close watch. His friends, family, and neighbours also took turns to watch over the area on a rotation basis, but for Julius, it wasn’t about when his turn came. He wanted to be available and always ready when there was an issue. He took pride in his role, his call for duty, and his ancestral heritage.  He rose and went to the window and peered out. All was quiet. The world hadn’t woken up yet. He closed his eyes and enhanced his sense of sound. He listened hard and concluded that it was all the usual noises only. The wind and water levels seemed to be the usual and the night had been especially quiet. There had been issues over the last few days, and it gave him immense satisfaction that the world had slept peacefully last night. That was worth losing his sleep over. He looked at the neighbourhood with love in his eyes. It was a big colony of homes that had shared walls and were interconnected through tunnels. There were cylinder-like structures that held the roof and floor together. During his younger days, he had always tried to climb them, but as they were slippery, he hadn’t been able to achieve that feat yet. They had intrigued him and when he enquired with his parents, he understood that there was a great deal of scientific reasons behind such an architecture. The colony wasn’t too big, but he adored it. The crowded colony was painted a deep red and peach which were the best colors in the world according to Julius. He had lived here all his life.  He was told his clan were of a special kind and that they were the protectors of their world. Julius knew of his ancestors. He had heard innumerable tales about them. The stories of the wars and how they emerged victorious enthralled the children as they grew up. They knew they would wage the wars one day and as Julius hoped, a chosen few would even get to lead them. He was a warrior he had been told. He corrected that statement in his mind anytime anyone mentioned that. He wouldn't be just a warrior; He would be a leader of the warriors. He turned away from the window and looked at the other occupants of the dormitory. Gaya in the bunk above him seemed to be sleeping peacefully. He was happy she was resting. There had been trouble in her area of work yesterday. She had come back tired and bruised but full of life and tales of victory. She needed the rest. He wasn’t going to wake her up this early. The lower bunk to his right was occupied by Moha. There was no movement from the bunker. Julius envied how Moha could sleep the way he did. Julius had never slept like that. Moha was a brilliant strategist and a great advocate of physical fitness. His colony revered him for his fitness and the humanitarian aspect he brought to any situation.  The whistling sound from the bunk above Moha made it easy for anyone to guess who the occupant was. Athi was the proud occupant of that bunk whose breathing when she slept sounded like she was whistling. A brilliant coordinator of all tasks, managing assignments and ensuring they are completed. A true task master, but a lovely and pure hearted one at that. The top bunk next to Athi was empty. Inath was already out on his morning run. Inath was so quiet in his ways that even a light sleeper like Julius didn’t realise he was up and about. Inath was so disciplined that he did his tasks like clockwork. You needn’t need a clock to know the time. You can know by what Inath is doing at any particular time. Precision and Accuracy were his PAs, Julius had joked one time which had earned a smile from Inath himself. The bottom bunk below Inath was occupied by Semar. He was the oldest member of the gang and very revered in the community. Tales of his escapades echoed in the streets of the colony, though he didn’t like people speaking his praises. Does humility come with greatness? pondered Julius. Each of the groups were assigned a mentor and this group was lucky to have Semar as the mentor. He was a mentor, a friend, a role model, and a father figure for each one of them. It was 60 minutes to go for roll call and Julius sounded the bugle. The occupants of the dorm woke up at once and went about their morning tasks.  Gaya was taking care of the day’s food rations.  Moha ensured they did their quick morning workout and got their backpacks ready.  Inath checked all the armours thoroughly to ensure that the team was protected against any issues. He hadn’t lost a person under his watch, and he wasn’t planning to. His eye for detail was amazing and the team trusted him innately.  Julius coordinated with the SPOCs (single-point-of-contacts) of the other dorms in the colony and worked out the issues currently that needed sorting and the overall schedule for the day. Semar collected the schedules from Julius, made plans for the day for each of them, and handed them out to Athi for her to keep track, follow up, and report back.  After 60 minutes of focused work, the team lined up at the entrance of the dormitory and stood in attention.  Semar addressed the group. “My dear team. As I always say each morning, it is an honour to be in this position and lead all of you. I have led multiple teams, but this one is incredibly special. You might think I say this to every team, and it could be true as well.” This comment evoked a chuckle from the team.  Semar continued, “I mean it when I say you are a great bunch of warriors who would do whatever it takes to make it work. I know you would go all out to protect our world and make it a better place. But remember one thing, your safety is also of paramount importance. Keep that in mind when you go into the line of fire and address any issue. I am immensely proud of you all and can’t wait to hear stories of your victory and triumph this evening.” They all saluted Semar and walked to the pier to board their ferries to their respective assigned locations for the day. Everyone from the group looked straight ahead with determination. They had their tasks in hand which had been triggered by the markers received from the various locations in their world. The only way to travel was by the ferry service on the Red River that ran across the world.  As they reached the pier, Inath asked the team “What’s on your bucket list today? “The same headache is back. I am trying to fix it for good but seem to be making only the temporary fix. I am still working on it.” said Moha. “There is a stye in the eye that needs to be addressed. So I am going be working right beneath you, Moha. Once I am done with my task, I shall join you to help.” said Gaya.  “An elbow bruise for me today. Guess I would be done soon and go back to assist Semar with his work,” said Athi. Ever the faithful one to Semar. “I have a long journey south. I am going to the same hairline crack in the heel bone that I have been working on for the past 2 weeks. Minor issue, but a major task. I am working with the marrow and bone teams as well to bring it together.” said Julius  “They have asked for my expert advice there as well. So I am coming with you Julius” said Inath. Julius adored Inath and was delighted to have him for company. The travel to the south seemed short now. With determination in their walk and look, the team of white blood cells split and boarded their respective ferry with their bucket list for the day in their hands. Part 2 – Many to One; One to Many The group met again at the pier after a long day. Everyone had a triumphant look on their faces. Each of their mission had been a success. There were high-fives all around and a satisfied look on their faces. “Where is Inath?” asked Gaya. “He got a signal from home base and left around noon. I don’t think he was happy with whatever came in the signal and left hurriedly. I didn’t even have time to ask him what had happened. I am hoping it isn’t anything serious.” said a worried Julius. “I am sure if it were serious Athi would have sent you a message, Julius. She won’t miss to update you on anything important.” said Moha. “I am hoping all is good. Let’s rush to the dorm.” said Julius and the group picked up their pace. The mood in the dorm was very somber. Everyone sensed something was amiss. Inath and Athi were in a deep discussion and Semar wasn’t to be seen around. Inath motioned them to be seated and they complied. Ever the caring one, Gaya quickly brought refreshments for everyone. Everyone knew better than to break the silence and ask the question. Inath started, “Team, thanks for your service today. I know each one of you completed your tasks to keep our host Heward healthy and solve the issues he had. But things have taken a downward turn. As you know we have been feeling occasional tremors and disturbed environment the last few days. The high command didn’t want to panic us and hence kept us on individual tasks to solve issue by issue before getting to the root of it.  This afternoon, the specialist R&D team put together for this consisting of Neutro, Lympho, Eosino, Basoph, and Monocs have all agreed that the isolated incidents aren’t singular events and have to be seen together as a common connected issue. There was shock around the dorm. They had known Heward for long and they couldn’t bear to see him suffer.  Inath continued, “I know all of you have questions to ask. But this is all we know at this point. Semar is representing our colony at the high command meeting. It has been going on since early afternoon and that’s why I was pulled back mid-day to lead local discussions here. I request everyone not to panic. We are keeping track of the signal markers from all parts of Heward and taking actions to keep his pain to a minimum. The isolated events must be seen together as one and we need to be ready for the war as the frequency of such events is increasing as well.” “Are we going to get external support as well?” asked Athi. Inath motioned for Julius to answer as he had been undergoing special training for such situations. Julius stated, “Going by what has happened in the past, we sure will get external support. I am sure the high command would have triggered the ABRS (Anti-Body Response System), and we can shortly expect external drugs to be infused whom we would partner with to solve the issues that are affecting Heward. The idea is to not panic and stay focused. Heward is our world, and we make up his world. He doesn’t exist without us, and we don’t exist without him.” Everyone was listening with rapt attention as Julius continued, “The individual bucket list we get in the morning each day, would now be combined into one large bucket list. We would all work towards the common cause. Our separate lists become one and the one list would address Heward’s needs. We are a team, and it is time to show our teamwork. Time is of the essence. Many to One and One to Many.” It was a goosebumps moment at the dorm, and everyone had only one thought. Make Heward healthy again.  The instruction from the high command was to be ready to head to any destination for work at a short notice. Everyone sat in the middle of the dorm taking comfort in each other’s presence and motivating each other. They even managed a couple of laughs thinking of how they would celebrate the triumph once they beat the intruders. Julius was the most silent. He knew this was his moment. He didn’t know whether leaders were born or made, but he knew that a leader knows when his moment comes. When it is time to step up and lead, when it is time to step up and deliver, when it is time to step up and be counted, and when it is time to step up and serve the purpose for which you are born. He was committed and he was focused.  They heard a commotion in the colony and knew Semar was back. They rushed outside and saw him walking toward the center of the colony. He motioned all members of the colony to assemble at the center. He climbed on a high node and looked at the gathering below him. It was heartening for him to see not one face that was dull or wearing a lost look. Everyone was resolved to fight and win. This was the best army ever. That’s how he started his speech, “My fellow WBCs, I am humbled to stand here as your leader. The courage you all show, the faith you all instill in each other, and the confidence you give to the high command makes me so lucky to be the leader of such a group. I know all of you love Heward and want the best for him. The high command has put together a great plan and I have all the confidence that you would make it work.” “Each of you has a role to play and I am sure you would do it selflessly and flawlessly. We all leave for the battle stations right away. Heward is already at the hospital and the treatment is commencing. I want to collaborate seamlessly with the anti-biotics, anti-bodies, and other fluids. We either win as a team or die as individuals. It is teamwork that is going to triumph tonight” roared Semar. “Yes! Yes! Fight for Heward! Save Heward” there were roars from various parts of the crowd.  “While I am going to be stationed here as the go-between the high command, the other colonies, and all of you in distinct parts of the body, I am selecting Julius to lead us into the most infected area. Julius has been preparing for this and I am sure he would come back triumphant.”  “Hail Julius! All the best Julius! We are with you Julius.” roared the crowd. Semar continued, “I am sure his team wouldn’t want anything less than accompanying him there.” As the team nodded in unison and linked arms, Semar continued, “I want every one of you back here in the morning. Tonight is the night. We are going to kill this infection right away. We aren’t going to let Heward stay at the hospital longer than he needs to. We are going to make him all right, we are going to make him healthy, and we are going to do it together as a team. Keep an eye on the clock. Go for it! Go! Get that infection and kill it.”  Semar waved the crowd towards the piers with his arms, and they all rushed towards the piers with Julius leading them, shouting instructions and war cries. Semar didn’t know how many of them he would be seeing again in the morning, but he knew they would win! They had to for Heward’s sake. Part 3 – Good vs Evil The war went on for hours. It started around midnight at various parts of the body. Each team making inroads into the area and fighting any signs of infection. It was a remarkable sight to see such a large group move as one with a single-minded purpose. Whoever said bucket lists are individual? Why can’t a bucket list be the motive of an organization, a movement, a group of people, or even society? How much bigger can it get if the bucket lists are merged create a synergy? The whole is greater than the sum of its parts! That’s how the teams collaborated and coordinated. Anti-bodies fighting alongside us. Everyone joined hands and attacked the enemy. Signal markers were flashing through the Red river with news from various parts. Some were already triumphant, and some were winning which motivated those still fighting. There were SOS signals from certain areas which were reinforced with more warriors.  Time wore on, but the warriors didn’t. They were gallant and up for the fight. Slowly but steadily, as the hours ticked, they gained the upper hand in all areas. The infusion of the drugs through the veins reduced, and that showed there were signals of recovery outside. This made the group jubilant. Their common purpose was working.  A couple of hours later, the infection had been completely eradicated. Some warriors were lost, and some were bruised but would live to see better days. Most of them were unscathed. There were war victory cry signals flashing all through the Red river. The high command knew things were under control. They ordered most of the warriors back to the bases with very few posted at sensitive areas to counter any remission or any leftover infections trying to raise their heads. Semar was on the high node again scanning the piers as the ferries brought back the warriors. Everyone was dancing and happy. The wounded were getting treated. The dead weren’t mourned but martyred. They died for their cause, for their duty. They would be honoured and revered.  Semar saw Athi and Gaya walk towards him hand in hand. There weren’t any smiles on their faces. He raised an eyebrow towards them. “Victory cries and smiles only when we see everyone from the team.” said Gaya and they both stationed themselves on either side of Semar.  Next to come was Moha. He was leading a group of wounded warriors and carrying two of them on either of his shoulders. He was directing them towards the infirmary and once he had handed them over, he joined Semar as well. Only Inath and Julius remained.  Time was ticking, but there was no sign of them. Signals were sent to them but came back empty. Athi wanted to cry but knew that would weaken the team. Gaya sensed this and held her shoulders. They would be back. They had to be back. They waited an hour. Every warrior who had gone was back. The ferries were running empty. There was no sign of the two gallant warriors. Everyone was losing hope except the folks from the dorm and Semar. They felt they all shared a connection and if anything had happened to Inath and Julius, they would have known.  Suddenly Gaya shouted, “There they are. I can see them.” The large crowd that was waiting rose in unison. Semar shouted the war victory cry reserved for the best warriors and the crowd joined. The place reverberated with the victory cry and chants. Julius and Inath alighted from the ferry and went straight to Semar. Inath started, “Sorry Semar, we were out of contact. We knew we would win the war and we got information that we were winning in most areas. But we wanted to eradicate this infection once and for all. So we had to disguise ourselves and enter the infected tissues. It wasn’t easy, but we wanted to do it for Heward.” Julius continued, “Once we got close, we identified the infection’s make and what got them to work. We also identified chinks in their armour and kept sending signals to others fighting them. What if we win this battle but not the war. We wanted to bring sample cells here for testing for us to get prepared to finish them the next time they even try to raise their head. The cells are on the ferry and the R&D department can reverse engineer and find out what causes them.” Semar shouted to the crowd, “Did you hear them? We aren’t just curing Heward today, we are going to cure him forever.” Gaya, Athi, Inath, Moha, and Julius hugged as a group and smiled with joy. The crowd roared their approval and the victory chants and cries echoed across the multiple bases, colonies, and outposts and reached every sentry posted anywhere. They were here to win! The message was clear. The bucket list for today is clear, but as they get more in their bucket list, they would be ready for it, one item at a time!