Alone but not Lonely

Pradnya Surve posted under PenMuse-56 Poetry on 2023-10-16

It was an admirable whirlwind romance Was our meeting destined or was just by chance Our love like a wild rose briar was blooming Through clouds a beautiful melody streaming Soon evolved a marital relationship In vicissitudes of time still a friendship Alas! One day the star was to disappear But while I live on let our love persevere Absence and endearing presence felt in time The starless empty skies feeling dark sublime Though deep passion I felt he could not return Was I the more loving me feeling heart burn Yet I felt his presence in the world around His memoirs and party of friends did surround Moments and anecdotes we all reminisce Stars then began to reappear in the skies Though the stars shine in the sky but I still say In the galaxy brightest one missed each day Am enriched with fulfilling experience Engaged in his interests not his absence A graceful ageing with no dark storm no rain Myriad hues at dusk for meeting again.     Penmancy gets a small share of every purchase you make through these links, and every little helps us continue bringing you the reads you love!