Amma’s Friend

“Good morning. It’s 7 am,” blared the alarm, pulling me out of my sleep.
I had been up all night for my Statistics exam today and had put the books aside at 4 am, to catch some sleep lest I would feel drowsy in the examination hall.
I quickly dressed up and dashed to Amma’s room to seek her blessings.
She would usually be sipping her tea at this time after her morning prayers.
“Amma! Amma!” I called out entering her room.
I was astounded to see her cuddled in the corner of her bed.
“Amma! What happened to you? Are you feeling well?” I questioned with a concern.
“I’m fine Srishti. Just don’t feel like getting up today.” she replied meekly.
“Can I get you something? Did Ma give you tea?” asked I.
“Mousmi was sitting here only. She went to make breakfast for you. You focus on your exam and don’t worry about me. I’ll make your favourite pakoras in the evening,” she smiled.
“And don’t forget to take a spoonful of curd before you leave. You know well, it’s customary before any important thing,” alleged she.
Amma had been the most cheerful person in our family till few months ago. She was our lifeline, without whom all our joys and celebrations seemed incomplete. We enjoyed listening to her tales and she took keen interest in our lives.
But after Appa’s demise this summer, Amma was shattered. She cocooned herself for days and upon our insistence, she did break her silence but she was a different person. Her laughter, jokes, stories and gossip, all had vanished. She now kept to herself most of the times.
My Statistics exam went par excellence and I came home with a gift for Amma.
“Amma, see I have a gift for you,” I smiled as I placed the box in her hand.
“What’s this Srishti?” she seemed perplexed.
“See for yourself, Amma” I replied excitedly.
She opened the box and raised her brows, “A mobile phone?”
“Yes Amma! This is for you.”
“What would I do with it? This is for youngsters,” replied Amma.
“Wait till you see what a powerful gadget this is. It’s a smart phone Amma, it’ll make you smarter,” assured I, embracing her.
In the next few days, I explained all the features of the phone to her, added her to family groups, clicked pictures with her on her phone, downloaded music and mythological apps and even created her Facebook account.
Amma picked it up real quick.
She would start her day with hymns on her phone and check her whatsapp every few minutes. She couldn’t read fluently but she would watch all the forwarded videos gleefully. During the day, she would listen to her favourite old songs and hum along.
It was incredible to see her thrilled.
Amma’s life had transformed radically with her newfound friend- her phone. She now had constant company and felt alive even in her solitude.
Phone had become her true friend!