An Afternoon in the Meadow

Aanchal Sharma posted under PenMuse-17 Poetry on 2020-03-23

Oh, pretty daisy in the lush green meadow, Your white rosette petals and your head so yellow, Your touch so soft and your scent so sweet, The bees come hovering to have a fine feast!  You set the lawns alive as summer time comes, You sing, dance and sway alike for foe and chums. How are you so lovely on a scorching afternoon? Your joy and blithe overt, it truly makes me swoon! Oh no it ain't nothing! my naive young lad, I'll reveal the secret, you need'nt be sad, Life is this moment, so smile, sparkle and shine, Pour happiness in abundance, let all strings untwine.  The westerlies blow briskly, here I sway along, I dance and sing along, to nature's gentle song, Follow suit my dear, dance to the jingles of life,  Tap your feet, spread your arms, smile - you are still alive! ______


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